Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"a" is for ant or "a" is for apple

Today I helped with our Literacy Program at church because the usual teacher was out of town. We had a twelve year old girl come tonight. As I helped her read, it brought back memories of my own struggles of reading. I became very patient with her because I understood where she is coming from with her struggles of reading. When I was in the 3rd grade mom and dad moved all us kids to a different school mainly because of the reading program. I was in that reading program through sixth grade at Allen Elementary with Ms. Cohen and then in the seventh grade continued in a program at Arnold Jr. High School. We, my brothers and I, also went to Columbus Reading Center with Ms. Annette and her mom. Today while helping this girl read brought back some of the techniques I was taught, which I tried to help her understand.

The awesome ending of this story is that in High School I was in Honor's English. Making that progress was exciting to me. But, even to this day I still personally struggle with my writing. So even though my writing might not be correct on the blog it is rewarding for me to write and not be ashamed of what I do write.

P.S.... I welcome my History Professor to my blog and hopes he enjoys this entry like he has the others. :D)

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