Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Proverbs 13:22

"A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children."

I am listening to Dave Ramsey's, "The Total Money Makeover: a proven plan for financial fitness" He mentioned this proverb and it hit a cord with me. I want that financial gift for Sydney.

Dave Ramsey also mentioned that it is good to right down goals, which that is something that I don't have a problem. Actually, setting goals is fun for me. So, I did set some small goals this year. They are posted up on my wall at work so I see them each day and that makes me work for them. Here they are:

Performance Goals
- Get comfortable with hearing No’s
- Learn to respond successfully to No’s or Call me back.
- Love the people!

Sale Goals
- Work Schedule (get to work by 9am and work until 4pm when have Sydney and until 8pm without her.)
- Get to writing 8 applications a week.
- Get to a $5,000 dollar week in ALP.
- Write $175,000 ALP make $79,625 gross income.

Personal Goals
- Read Scriptures 15 minutes day
- Pray at least AM & PM
- Blog 3 x’s week

Here is my inspirational quote:
"We CAN do anything we want to do if we stick to it long enough!" Helen Keller
These are positive thinking make me better and keep my thoughts in the right direction.
I am the greatest
I can do it all
I am beautiful


Carrie said...

isn't the money makeover great! i can't wait to get started...

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your e-mail on goals. It reminded me of something that Jerry Bettis said in a class on Rependence at our Columbus Stake Standards Night this past Sunday. We are to become perfect even as our Father in Heaven. We need to be able to measure our progress or we won't know that we are improving. He suggested that we write in a private place 10 small sins that we have. Work on #1 until we have overcome it. Mark it off, work on #2, and add one more sin to the botton of the list. Then continue the process. When you get to your private sins that you don't want to share with anyone, be sure that you keep your list in a very private place. This will make you accountable and able to mark your progress to perfection. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Ella Bella,
You know I've been thinking about a lot of stuff lately. And, seriously, you've got a gift. You are very good at taking what other people use and making it work for yourself and others. You are a great motivator and know how to encourage others when they are not sure how to do things. Perhaps, you should make your niche doing that some how. I'm not sure how you can accomplish it, but just think about it. There are lots of people who read self-help or self-motivational things all the time, but they don't synthesize the information well. Meaning, they can't seem to make it work for them. You are very good at listening to these people and extracting all the good stuff and making it work and explaining it to others. Hmmm...think about this. Melinda