Saturday, January 17, 2009

Prayers answered

Well, I feel blessed. Yesterday (Friday) was an interesting experience for me. I know that prayers were answered. With the economy being as it has been, it has been a bit hard for me. I had a big meeting and I won. Hooray!! It made me really feel that God does answer prayers of those that pray and pray sincerely. Thanks Mom, Kelly and Mauricio!
Tonight, Saturday... Prayer time went as following, I think she has been observing my conversations and those of others. Sydney gave the sweetest prayer. She asked Heavenly Father to help her mom and her Uncle Aaron to make the sales they needed. She asked that this Economy get better and help those people that need jobs and food. Then her next sentence was asking that her stuffed animals be blessed and to keep everyone safe.

This made me think of the scripture in Isaiah 11:6 at the end where it says, ".... a little child shall lead them." We teach our children the right and sometimes they will lead us when we sometimes are off the narrow path. Just like it says in Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." I am glad that the Lord has blessed me to have such a caring and loving daughter. She reminds me of myself. LOL! I am blessed! May the lord bless those that need the blessings!

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