Thursday, April 15, 2010

Speed Limit 55 mph to school

Sydney: "The speed limit is 55 MPH."

Me: "I know what the speed limit is, thank you Sydney. Sydney you need to let me drive."

Sydney: "I would but you need to follow the speed limit."

Me: "Sydney, let me drive. Remember you will drive one day and I will be correcting you then. I am the one who is suppose to correct you."

Sydney: "I know but you are suppose to be a good example for me. How am I suppose to follow when you are not being a good example. "

My Thoughts:
Ouch.... She is right. Sometimes I wonder the heck am I doing. Refocus needed on my part.

And a little child shall lead them...(Isaiah 11:6)
Where has my focus gone and what do I need to do fix?
It's the primary answers that most of you know...
"Prayer, scriptures, church, and follow commandments."
Plus other things like read Ensign, FHE, and study:
"Preach My Gospel" (Which I am really enjoying to read and the Stake Leadership has asked that members finish reading by June 2010.)

1 comment:

regina said...

You are so blessed to have a little girl that reminds you of all things right and good!