Sunday, April 18, 2010

RS Prayer Lesson

I just had the best experience teaching the Relief Society lesson 8 "Praying to Our Heavenly Father".  The spirit was so strong from the beginning of the Relief Society.  The lesson was split into 5 sections and the suggestion for teaching was to group the participants to discuss the 5 topics (basically have them give the lesson). This made such sense to me because it was the topic of prayer and we know the answers and simple subject.  The topics were:
- What is prayer?
- Why do we pray?
- When should we pray?
- How should we pray?
- How are prayers answered?

The sisters responded to this so well and did a great job explaining their topic.

During the lesson it reminded me of two different items:
1) that I had once created a counted cross stitch for my dad while he was the LDS Chaplin on Ft Benning that said "No Man Stands Taller Than When He Is On His Knees"
2) Sydney was 4 (June 2004) and I walked into her room and saw that she was praying on her bed for safety.

I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to speak to my Heaven Father through the ability of prayer and to have him answer.

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